State of The Lake 2013

2013 Lake Data

Dissolved Oxygen

Date:4/9/13 4/27/13 8/20/13 9/14/13
Mg/L /  %      temp                  Mg/L   /%    Temp             Mg/L /%  Temp                        Mg/L  /%  Temp

Buoy A   (viz 3.25m)
10’          11.72/94%        6.2
30’          11.73/93.6%     5.8
50’          11.60/90.8%     5.1
75’          11.78/92.6%     4.9

Buoy B     (viz 3.25 m)                                  (viz 4.75m)                                                                           ( viz  3.75m)
10’          11.34/92.7%      6.1                                              9.7                                                                8.98/96.9     21.4
30’          11.60/90.5%      5.3                  10.73/92.2%     8.2                                                                9.70/88.7     11.5
50’          11.42/90.0%      5.2                                                                                                                    1.95/16.0       6.7
75’          11.27/88.4%      5.1
95’          11.25/88.3%      4.9                   10.57/92.2%                                                                          0.85/7.6          5.8

Buoy C      (viz 3.0m)                                       (viz 4.75m)                                                                            (viz 3.75m)
10’           11.40/92.8%     6.4                                                                                                                     9.0/101.3      21.5
30’           11.14/87.9%     5.4                                                                                                                     9.99/81.1      11.1
50’           11.35/88.9%     5.3                    8.78/72.3%      6.6                                                                 0.98/9.8           7.6

pH  8.7 @ Buoy B (surface)


Buoy A       Temp       DO(Mg/l)   %      Conductivity      pH
0’            25             8.6/105                   290               9.12
5’            25             8.4/102                   290
10’          25              8.4/102                   291
15’          25              8.2/102                   293
20’          18              12.8/134                 270               8.9
25’          14              13.6/128                 257
30’          11              11.8/109                 248
35’          9                 9.1/77                    233
40’          7                 4.2/35                    225                8.07    


            8/20/13   _______________________

Buoy B      Temp           DO(Mg/l)    %         Conductivity       pH
0’           24                  8.7/103                    292                       8.9
5’           24                  8.7/104                    292
10’         24                  8.7/103                    292
15’         24                  8.7/103                    291
20’         19                  13.3/143                  274
25’         13                  13.7/130                  265                       8.6
30’         10                  11.3/101                  248
35’          9                    9.3/81                      233
40’          8                    8.1/68                      229
50’         6.5                  3.8/30                      219                       7.8
70’         6                      1.8/15                     246                        7.8
90’         5.7                   0.3/2.5                    278                        7.9


_          8/20/13__________________________

Buoy C    Temp              DO(Mg/L)       %      Conductivity        pH
0’         25                      8.5/103                     291
5’         25                      8.9/107                     293
10’      24                       8.9/106                     290
20’      19                       12.6/137                   290
30’      11                       11.5/111                   246
40’      8                          0.5/4                         231
50’      7                          0.3/3                         230


Buoy A   (Viz 2.5) 

                Temp             DO(Mg/L)      %         Conductivity      pH
10’           12.1               10.12/92.4
30’           11.8                9.55/87.2
50’           7.3                  1.65/12.8

Buoy B  (viz 2.5)
10’            12.2                9.20/89.3
30’             12.0                9.07/82.0
50’             7.3                  0.58/4.7
95’             6.4                  0.73/5.7


Buoy C   (viz 2.5)

10’       12.2                     9.42/87.5
30’       12.0                     8.74/82.3
50’       8.4                       0.46/4.2


Total Phosphorus (p)


Buoy B
10’       .019
50’       .015
95’       .335

Buoy C
50’       .034

Erbacher Brook (S5)  .018

McGraw Brook  (S8)  .032





Buoy B

10’   .013
30’   .021
50’   .020
95’   .417

Buoy C

10’   .013
30’   .019
50’   .15

Control   < .002





Bird Inventory
4/       /13

     1 goose.  Saw no Cormorants. No Coots.  No Gulls.   No Ducks

       9/6/13:  One cormorant.  Many gulls…no ducks…no coots

Dive Log:


First  dive of the season. Location:  Town Grove swim lanes. Water  viz about average. A large amount of fish egg masses..Mike Beck identified them as from Crappies. Bottom time 30 minutes.  Max depth 30’ .  Monitored for caddisfly larvae…found none.  Also checked for Zebra Mussels.  Found none.  Checked for Asian Clams…found none.  Placed a barrier on bottom in preparation for the Soar program on May 11 and the Salisbury Central class on May 15.  Milfol is beginning to grow.



Dived and photographed(video too) at Town Grove swim lanes.  Water temp in the low 70s.  At the TC(20’) a layer of very poor visibility.  Saw at least 2…maybe as many as 4…large Grass Eating Carp.  Did get a hazy video of one.  No zebra mussels.  Began the removal of anchors on benthic barriers.  Viz 15feet + except in that bad layer.


Water visibility has been greatly reduced this fall.  Green algae bloom has been very evident.

Diving at the docks of the swim lanes at the Grove in September I spotted two grass carp.  I did get a very hazy/blurry video of them.